Friday, February 26, 2010

Sticker Submission From: Link Project.

Here is a sticker submission for the Project from the following artist: Link. Here I received about 50 stickers from the listed artist. I will upload photos of every pack received for the project. Thank you very much for your submission. To go to Link Project’s website click here: Link Project.

Sticker Submission From: Wojofoto.

Here is a sticker submission for the Project from the following artist: Wojofoto. Here I received about 58 stickers from the listed artist. I will upload photos of every pack received for the project. Thank you very much for your submission. To go to Wojofoto’s webpage click here: Wojofoto on Flickr.

Sticker Submission From: Massakre Mask.

Here is a sticker submission for the Project from the following artist: Massakre Mask. Here I received about 9 stickers from the listed artist. I will upload photos of every pack received for the project. Thank you very much for your submission. To go to Massakre’s webpage click here: Massakre Mask on Flickr.

Sticker Submission From: Wolf Street Artist.

Here is a sticker submission for the Project from the following artist: Wolf Street Artist. Here I received about 47 stickers from the listed artist. I will upload photos of every pack received for the project. Thank you very much for your submission. To go to Wolf’s webpage click here: Wolf on Flickr.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sticker Submission From: Icon73

Here is a sticker submission for the Project from the following artist: Icon73. Here I received about 15 stickers from the listed artist. I will upload photos of every pack received for the project. Thank you very much for your submission. To go to Icon73’s website click here: Icon 73.

Sticker Submission From: Parkydoodles.

Here is a sticker submission for the Project from the following artist: Parkydoodles. Here I received about 9 stickers from the listed artist. I will upload photos of every pack received for the project. Thank you very much for your submission. To go to Parkydoodles’ webpage click here: Parkydoodles on Flickr.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sticker Submission From: El Gore.

Here is a sticker submission for the Project from the following artist: el Gore. Here I received about 11 stickers from the listed artist. I will upload photos of every pack received for the project. Thank you very much for your submission. To go to El Gore's webpage click here: El Gore on Flickr.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sticker Submission From: Tona.

Here is a sticker submission for the Project from the following artist: Tona. Here I received about 30 stickers from the listed artist. I will upload photos of every pack received for the project. Thank you very much for your submission. To go to Tona's webpage click here: Tona on Flickr.

Sticker Submission From: CAMO.

Here is a sticker submission for the Project from the following artist: Camo. Here I received about 120 stickers from the listed artist. I will upload photos of every pack received for the project. Thank you very much for your submission. To go to Camo's website click here: Camo Design - Visual Activism.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sticker Submission From: Ceito

Here is a sticker submission for the Project from the following artist: Ceito. Here I recieved about 29 stickers from the listed artist. I will upload photos of every pack received for the project. Thank you very much for your submission. To go to Ceito's webpage click here: Ceito on Flickr.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

First Sticker Submission: From Faylure.

Here is the first submission for the Project from Faylure. I will upload photos of every pack recived for the project. Here I recived about 107 stickers/ adhesives from the following artist.
Thank you very much for making your submission.
To go to Faylure's webpage click here: Faylure On Flickr.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

15,000 And Up Combo And Show! The Wolrd's Biggest Adhesive and Sticker Collage.

15,000 AND UP:

15,000 AND UP” is a project in which the goal is to collect 15,000 or more stickers from artists from all over the world. Once the goal is accomplished, all of the adhesives and stickers will be transported to Russia, Barnaul. Then a large sticker collage will be made out of all the stickers, which will make the world's biggest sticker collage/ combo.

Over the next few months, I will try to collect 15,000 or more stickers from artists across the world. All the stickers and adhesives that I will receive will only be used for the combo, which will be displayed in the show. The show will be held in Russia, Barnaul. There, I and a few other artists will make one combo out off all the stickers on various boards, which will be combined to make one big piece....

Please send all Submission to:

The Collective.

PO BOX 2324

South Burlington

VT 05407


From there on, the world's biggest sticker collage/ combo will peacefully rest in the streets of a big Russian city. It will be installed there for people to see it and notice what is surrounds them. The collage will last its purpose in the open streets until the last sticker rusts off.

For More Info And Submissions Visit: